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  • Press Release

Center for Biocide Chemistries Publishes List of Products That Help Stop Spread Of Novel Coronavirus

Charlotte Anthony

CBC Helps Keep U.S. Citizens Safe with List of Novel Coronavirus-Fighting Products

WASHINGTON (February 13, 2020) – The Center for Biocide Chemistries (CBC) is helping federal, state, and local health agencies -- as well as the general public -- fight back against the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Declared by the World Health Organization as a “public health emergency of international concern,” the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is aggressively working to detect and contain the virus to minimize risk to U.S. citizens. CBC is playing an important role in this effort by providing a list of over 100 ready-to-use, dilutable, and wipeable biocidal products that are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as effective at killing viruses like COVID-19.

“The 2019 novel coronavirus is not your typical household cold, and members of the CBC are here to help,” said Komal K. Jain, Executive Director of CBC. “We know it is concerning that this virus is having widespread impact. Our members have spent decades conducting research to develop products that can be used safely and are effective in cases such as the novel coronavirus outbreak. There are antimicrobial products in the market that have been tested against hundreds of pathogens in order to facilitate rapid identification of products that EPA presumes will be effective against novel pathogens in instances such as the current outbreak.”

As a public service, CBC is maintaining this list of antimicrobials that have proven to be effective against stronger pathogens, such as norovirus or ebola. By publishing and maintaining this open list, CBC relieves federal, state, and local health officials’ resources in order to focus on other aspects of the important effort to limit spread of this new disease. Listing is voluntary and compliance with EPA’s “emerging viral pathogen” guidance for antimicrobial products is verified by CBC. CBC will be working with federal and state officials to disseminate the list and make it accessible to all those who need to be in the know.

Infection can spread through direct contact such as person to person, or person to surface to person, especially in crowded and high-trafficked spaces. When high touch surfaces like countertops, fixtures, public seating on a bus or a plane aren’t disinfected or sanitized, harmful viruses like the novel coronavirus can spread rapidly.

“Antimicrobial products on CBC’s List of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Fighting Products have been tested to stop the spread of pathogens from hard surfaces and have received EPA’s approval that the products are not expected to cause unreasonable adverse effects when used in accordance with their labels,” continued Jain. “Public health organizations should feel confident that the products included on CBC’s list are available to help protect the public from the spread of the novel coronavirus.”

For up-to-date information, and information about COVID-19 and the outbreak in the U.S., please visit:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/index.html

For more information on EPA’s Emerging Viral Pathogen Claims guidance, please visit: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/guidance-registrants-process-making-claims-against-emerging-viral-pathogens

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