The research supported and catalyzed by ACC LRI has led to the development of a number of methods and tools to investigate and characterize toxicity, exposures, dosimetry, and risks. Information on the ACC LRI tools and methods can be accessed via the hyperlinks below.
Scientific Tools and Methods

LRI Tools and Methods: Exposure Science
Exposure science focuses on understanding the fate and transport of chemicals from sources of manufacturing, use and disposal and includes studies of exposure scenarios, behaviors and use patterns related to contact and interactions with, and uptake by, environmental receptors and humans. Research support from ACC’s LRI has contributed to the exposure science methods and tools listed below. Click on the hyperlinks to learn more about each method.
Tool/Method | Organization and Description |
SciotoVation IVIVE model for extrapolating in vitro measured metabolism values to predicted in vivo values is fully integrated into PLETHEM. New step-by-step User Guide now available here. | |
Population Lifecourse Exposure-to-Health-Effects Model (PLETHEM) | ScitoVation New step-by-step User Guides now available for: |
Risk Assessment, Identification, and Ranking (RAIDAR) | ARC Arnot Research & Consulting |
Risk Assessment, Identification, and Ranking-Indoor and Consumer Exposure (RAIDAR-ICE) | ARC Arnot Research & Consulting |
Exposure And Safety Estimation (EAS-E) Suite | ARC Arnot Research & Consulting EAS-E Suite is freely accessible on-line using an internet browser and currently includes these models (hyperlinks embedded to key scientific publications):
LRI Tools and Methods: Exposure Science
Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the patterns, causes, and effects of diseases. Research support from ACC’s LRI has contributed to the epidemiology methods and tools listed below. Click on the hyperlinks to learn more about each method.
Tool/Methods | Organization and Description |
Evaluation of reverse causality in epidemiological associations | ScitoVation |
Exploring Microplastics Environmental Monitoring Data: Development of a Dashboard to Track, Analyze, and Display Data | ACC LRI To assist with the broader efforts of the Microplastics Advanced Research and Innovation Initiative (MARII), as a pilot project, LRI created a data visualization tool, the Microplastics Data Crosswalk Dashboard to allow a user to review data from published studies reporting microplastics in environmental media (biological, sediment, soil, and surface water). A video, “Visualizing Microplastics Environmental Monitoring Data” (linked in the dashboard) has been created to provide an in-depth dashboard overview. |
LRI Tools and Methods: Ecological & Environmental
Ecological and environmental science focuses on understanding the potential impacts of chemicals released to environmental media, such as air, water and soil, and how such exposures may influence environmental receptors. Research support from ACC’s LRI has contributed to the ecological and environmental exposure science methods and tools listed below. Click on the hyperlinks to learn more about each method.
Tool/Methods | Organization and Description |
Bioaccumulation Assessment Tool (BAT Ver.2.02) | ARC Arnot Research & Consulting The BAT is free to download and introductory video vignettes for getting started with the BAT are available on-line. |
LRI Tools and Methods: Pathways and Mechanisms of Action
Research of toxicity pathways and mechanisms of action of chemicals focuses on understanding the moleciular and biological interactions of chemicals with living organisms and the dose-related relationships of such interactions with cellular and organ-level events in pathways of causally related events that may lead to adverse health effects. Listed below are methods and tools that research support from ACC’s LRI has contributed to. Click on the hyperlinks to learn more about each method.
Tool/Methods | Organization and Description |
Mode of Action Visualization (MoAviz) | ScitoVation |
In Vitro Mass Balance Model (IV-MBM EQP v2.0) | ARC Arnot Research & Consulting The In Vitro Mass Balance Model (IV-MBM EQP v2.0) developed by Dr. James Armitage simulates the partitioning and distribution of organic chemicals in in vitro test systems. Using nominal medium concentrations (e.g., AC50s) as input, the model can be used to predict the corresponding freely-dissolved and cellular concentrations along with other information on how the chemical behaves in the test system (e.g., mass fractions present in head space, dissolved in the medium and sorbed to cells). The user can readily parameterize the model for a variety of assay conditions and generate output with only a few key partitioning properties (e.g., octanol-water partition coefficient, air-water partition coefficient, water solubility). The model can be used retrospectively to facilitate the interpretation of existing in vitro toxicity data and prospectively to assist in the design of testing strategies (e.g., more rational selection of exposure concentrations). IV-MBM EQP v2.0 can be downloaded as an Excel™ spreadsheet tool or used in EAS-E Suite. |
LRI Tools and Methods: Technology and Assessments
Understanding the potential risk of exposures to chemicals requires integration of scientific evidence from epidemiological studies, laboratory animal investigations, and mechanistic research with knowledge of exposure and dosimetery. ACC’s LRI has contributed to the development and improvement of a wide variety of technologies and assessment methods focused in improving risk-based approaches for evaluating chemicals. Click on the hyperlinks to learn more about each method.
Tool/Method | Organization and Description |
Predictive Analytics Toolkit (PAT) | ACC |
Quantitative weight of evidence to assess confidence in potential modes of action | ACC |
Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) applet | ScitoVation |