The Silicones Industry conducts extensive safety testing programs on an ongoing basis on silicone materials in accordance with regulatory requirements around the world.
Safety Guides

SiH Self Auditing Tool
These documents provide industrial users with an audit tool they may use to help guide them in the safe handling of silicon hydride containing materials.
DownloadGlobal Safe Handling of Hexamethyldisilazane
This guide provides the industrial user with supplemental information to promote the safe handling of HMDZ.
DownloadGlobal Safe Handling of
This guide provides the industrial user with supplemental information to promote the safe handling of eight chlorosilanes.
DownloadRecommendations for Aerosol Applications of Silicone-Based Materials
This document provides information and recommendations relevant to formulating aerosol products containing silicone-based materials.
DownloadMaterials Handling Guide: Hydrogen-Bonded Silicon Compounds
This guide provides the industrial user with supplemental information to promote the safe handling of SiH products.
DownloadUse of Volatile Methyl Siloxanes (VMS) in Industrial Environments
This document informs users of silicone products on measures to minimize emissions of volatile methyl siloxanes (VMS).